中文翻译与英英解释 | (化妆用的)油彩。
| | | grease: n. 1.(炼出的)动物脂,油脂;【机械工程】脂膏,滑脂 ... | | paint: n. 1.颜料;涂料;油漆。 2.化妆品;香粉;口红;胭 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | After rubbing cold cream over her arms and face with the palm of her hand she laid on the grease paint with the corner of a towel 她用手把冷霜抹在膀子上和脸上,然后用毛巾一个角往上搽底粉。
| | 2. | The prince , however , was listening complaisantly to the marquis de chouard , who had taken up a hare s - foot on the dressing table and had begun explaining the way grease paint is put on 这时,王子正在津津有味地听德舒阿尔侯爵讲话,他从梳妆台上拿起一只小粉扑,解释怎样上白底粉。
| | 3. | " his highness is spoiling me , " she murmured without putting down the grease paint . her task was a complicated one , and the marquis de chouard followed it with an expression of devout enjoyment 德舒阿尔侯爵见化妆是如此复杂,就一直注视着娜娜的每一个动作,他那神态好像从观看化妆中得到了一种莫大的享受。